The work on KUDEM’s academic Islamic library is drawing to a close. With a collection of 100,000 books in six languages, the library is a unique gift from KUDEM to the community and humanity. The extremely valuable collection of books in the academic Islamic library was acquired from different regions of the world under the supervision and coordination of a team of experts, most recently with a large delivery from Cairo/Egypt. The Islamic Library is the result of prioritisation, dedication, faith, energy and great love with which the work has been carried out since the beginning. We hope that the KUDEM Islamic Library will be of benefit to our community and humanity. KUDEM is an independent institution that is not affiliated with any public or civil organisation. KUDEM is a purely civil organisation that aims to contribute to the community and humanity by focusing on science, wisdom, art and aesthetics in the light of the principles it has outlined. Since its foundation, KUDEM has not received any financial or in-kind contributions from other institutions or organisations for these activities. The scientific, cultural and social projects and studies carried out by KUDEM in home and abroad are realised exclusively with the funds and donations of KUDEM and its members. In KUDEM, knowledge and wisdom are in the foreground, the work is carried out with discipline, dedication and love in the hope of achieving the benevolence and mercy of Allah, the success is due to Allah, the All-Merciful and Merciful.