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Kudem e.V.

Wir nennen uns Kulturhaus der europäischen Muslime, kurz Kudem, und knüpfen an die wissenschaftsorientierte Arbeit des IFIS & IZ. an.

Miteinander leben statt nebeneinander ist unser Motto. Ohne sich in eine Gesellschaft zu integrieren, kann man keine tatsächliche Akzeptanz von den Mitmenschen erwarten. Aus diesem Grund wollen wir Wege und Möglichkeiten erforschen, die Integration zu erleichtern.


Workshop about ‘‘The Teaching of Traditional İslamic Sciences (Madrasa) with an academic perspective in the European Context’’..

On Friday 3rd June 2016 KUDEM has hosted in cooperation with IFIS&IZ a workshop on ‘‘The Teaching of Traditional İslamic Sciences with an academic perspective in the European Context’’. The KUDEM strives with great engagement and commitment on its scientific projects. The workshop is introducing a new initiative disposingto these engagements. The aim of the workshop was to elaborate from an Oriental and Occidental perspective how İslam’s educational and intellectual legacy, which has evolved over many centuries, with its comprehensive contentand traditions, can be best transferred to today. The intensive agenda for the one-day workshop was ambitious; views and ideas have been exchanged and thoroughly discussed, trying to find the most efficient way to realize this goal.

In this context, the workshop was enriched by the valuable contributions of honorable Prof. Dr. Recep Şentürk the director in the Alliance of Civilizations Institute at Fatih University who has years of experience in the education of Traditional İslamic Sciences and Prof. Dr. Murteza Bedir the dean in the Faculty of Theology at İstanbul University. Both Prof. Şentürk and Prof. Bedir shared their knowledge and experiences learned from their engagement at İSAR (İstanbul Research and Education Association), İSM (Center for Sciences and Arts) and EDEP (Center for Excellence in Education).

In addition, the German conditions on the classical teachings have been elaborated by honorable Prof. Dr. Hüseyin İlker Çınar, Prof. Dr. Bülent Uçar, Prof. Dr. Abdurrahim Kozalı, Prof. Dr. Merdan Güneş and Hüseyin Uçan who has a long experience in this particular field in Germany.

Further participants who have shared their experiences and views in the workshop have been the young academics who are entitled though their supplemental studies to give the madrasa education (mujaz) Emin Yıldırım and Murat Kayalık. Both, born and raised in Europe, have successfully accomplished their modern university education in Islamic studies and completed the classical madrasah education. Both strived for many years to learn and teach the fundamental aspects of Traditional İslamic Sciences to young fellow academics. Both young academics will in future carry out the courses in Germany.

This workshop has been part of the preparation phase for the classical madrasah education with an academic perspective in accordance to the conditions in Europe. After a year of preparations and intensive deliberations with scholars and experts from Turkey and Germany the KUDEM is aiming to provide the course in certain periods with the best possible setup. The four-years madrasa studies are aimed to be given on the weekends from Friday to Sunday four hours per day.

We aim to start our madrasa courses in European context with an academic perspective this year in October, in our building, which contains the largest civil scientific Islamic library in Europe with the latest modern equipment for learning and teaching. With the grace and blessing of Allah (c.c.) and we hope to soon share the final course program and curriculum. Without any doubt, with the help of Allah (c.c.) Most Gracious the work is by us and salvation by our Lord.

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