Picture of Kudem e.V.

Kudem e.V.

Wir nennen uns Kulturhaus der europäischen Muslime, kurz Kudem, und knüpfen an die wissenschaftsorientierte Arbeit des IFIS & IZ. an.

Miteinander leben statt nebeneinander ist unser Motto. Ohne sich in eine Gesellschaft zu integrieren, kann man keine tatsächliche Akzeptanz von den Mitmenschen erwarten. Aus diesem Grund wollen wir Wege und Möglichkeiten erforschen, die Integration zu erleichtern.


IFIS&IZ: congratulates the seekers for knowledge and student of Islamic Theology, who have accomplished their madrasa studies

Our brothers, left Europe with the purpose to study the İslamic sciences in Turkey. After having accomplished their Bachelor and Master degree in Islamic Theology, they are continuing their doctoral studies. Finally, after many years of passion and patience they have successfully completed their madrasa studies and obtained the authorization for teaching (iǧāza).

Under the supervision of honorable scholar Zeynel Abidin Başar el-Berzencî, the students have accomplished their Madrasa Studies visiting the courses six days per week in addition to their university studies. Part of the Curriculum of the Madrasa Studies were i.e. morphology (sarf), syntax (nahiv), logic (mantık), the science of meanings (me’ânî), metaphor (beyân, isti’âre), eloquence (bedî’), (vad’) and debate (münâzara) including also fundamental sciences like: Quranic Exegesis (tefsir), Prophetic traditions (hadis), İslamic jurisprudence (fıkıh) and İslamic theology (kelam) were studied.

We as IFIS&IZ, express our gratitude and appreciation to the former Director of Religious Affairs Honorable Lütfi Doğan and to the loyal supporters of İLAMER (İslamic Sciences Research and Dissemination) foundation for delivering these precious services. We especially thank Honourable scholar Zeynel Abidin Başar el-Berzencî for his many years of services to handover the madrasa diplomas to these students. May Allah bless them for their services. We wish our graduated students success on the path of science and knowledge and pray to Allah that they will teach and raise many further students who will become owners of excellence (ihsân) and practice what they preach. Amin!

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