Picture of Kudem e.V.

Kudem e.V.

Wir nennen uns Kulturhaus der europäischen Muslime, kurz Kudem, und knüpfen an die wissenschaftsorientierte Arbeit des IFIS & IZ. an.

Miteinander leben statt nebeneinander ist unser Motto. Ohne sich in eine Gesellschaft zu integrieren, kann man keine tatsächliche Akzeptanz von den Mitmenschen erwarten. Aus diesem Grund wollen wir Wege und Möglichkeiten erforschen, die Integration zu erleichtern.


KUDEM and IFIS&IZ welcomed Stefan Rebmann (SPD), Member of Bundestag

Stefan Rebmann, member of the Bundestag (German federal parliament) made his first visit at KUDEM and IFIS&IZ and was able to get an introduction on the activities and projects of both institutions. Mr. Rebmann was very attentive and impressed. Both sides were pleased and agreed to continue contact and exchange. Mr. Rebmann highlighted the achievements of KUDEM and IFIS&IZ sofar and was very pleased that these engagements are happening in Mannheim. Further Mr.Rebmann stated that the engagement of KUDEM and IFIS&IZ shall be promoted and supported, as both add value to the city of Mannheim and Gerand more over to Germany overall. We agreed on to itensify our contact and thank Mr. Rebmann for his visit and the fruitfull discussions.

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