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Kudem e.V.

Wir nennen uns Kulturhaus der europäischen Muslime, kurz Kudem, und knüpfen an die wissenschaftsorientierte Arbeit des IFIS & IZ. an.

Miteinander leben statt nebeneinander ist unser Motto. Ohne sich in eine Gesellschaft zu integrieren, kann man keine tatsächliche Akzeptanz von den Mitmenschen erwarten. Aus diesem Grund wollen wir Wege und Möglichkeiten erforschen, die Integration zu erleichtern.


KUDEM sponsored IFIS&IZ Publications: First volume of the Series of Imām al-Ḥaddād published

We are delighted to announce that IFIS&IZ Publications has published a new book “Das Benehmen des Gottessuchers” (engl. The behavior of the God-seeker”) as the first part of the series of Imām al-Ḥaddād. The series will include further books with translations of this precious Sufi-scholar.

The preface is written by honorable Prof. Dr. Hüseyin İlker Çınar Founding Director of the IFIS&IZ. The translation from Arabic to German with additional remarks has been done by Dr. Martin Mahmud Kellner. The book enables the German speaking audience to learn more about the teachings of Imām al-Ḥaddād (d. 1720). He is recognized as one of the most important representatives of the Baʿlawiyya Sufi-order.


Das Benehmen des Gottessuchers. Ādāb sulūk al-murīd (Arabisch-Deutsch)
96 pages / Hardcover / 17,0 x 24,0 cm
Mannheim: IFIS&IZ Publications, 2016
Series: Schriften des Imām al-Ḥaddād, Bd. 1
ISBN 978-3-95888-001-6

Info & inquiries: publications@ifis-iz.com

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