Picture of Kudem e.V.

Kudem e.V.

Wir nennen uns Kulturhaus der europäischen Muslime, kurz Kudem, und knüpfen an die wissenschaftsorientierte Arbeit des IFIS & IZ. an.

Miteinander leben statt nebeneinander ist unser Motto. Ohne sich in eine Gesellschaft zu integrieren, kann man keine tatsächliche Akzeptanz von den Mitmenschen erwarten. Aus diesem Grund wollen wir Wege und Möglichkeiten erforschen, die Integration zu erleichtern.


We thank Patmos publishing house for the donation to our Islamic Library

The Islamic Studies and Intercultural Cooperation (IFIS&IZ) launched with the support of KUDEM – Culture House of European Muslims magnificent project: the development of the most extensive and multilingual special library for Islamic theology within Europe, aiming 100.000 books. The project is carried out with confidence and determination. Last year the library has reached 25.000 books an important milestone in the development of the library. So far the library’s collection predominantly is consisting of Arabic and Turkish scientific literature. The current collection was successfully categorized, labelled and entered into the library’s database which has been carried out with a high level of discipline and commitment. In the next step the library’s collection will now enhanced with a focus on English and German literature. Our heartfelt thanks goes to all who have supported us so far in the development of the library…

Since the foundation of the library the works are accompanied by Prof. Dr. Hüseyin İlker Çınar (IFIS&IZ, Mannheim / Chair for Tafsir, University of Osnabrück) and a commission consisting of professors and academics from the relevant disciplines. Currently the work is focusing on the development of the book list with German and English literature primarily selecting academic books on Islamic theology. With its unique collection the library will be soon in service with literature in six languages (English, German, French, Arabic, Turkish and Persian) for students, scientist and other scientifically interested to support their studies and academic research.

For the next phase of the expansion of the Islamic-library we ask you for your support in order to accelerate the realization of this important project. Your support can take place by financial donation or by donating relevant literature. The Islamic-library was so far financed by the Culture House of European Muslims (KUDEM) exlusively.

We would be delighted to win you as a sponsor for this unique project in Europe which is aiming to serve society and science for our and following generations. In this sense, we greet all – students, scientists and scholars who share this passion and express our appreciation and respect for their work.

KUDEM is a noncommercial society having a donations account and is therefore entitled to issue a receipt for donations.

Account for donations:
Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord
Reference: „Donation Library – Name Last Name“
IBAN: DE18 6705 0505 0038 7855 16

Postal adress for sending literature:
KUDEM – Kulturhaus der europäischen Muslime e.V.
Gutenbergstr. 11-15
68167 Mannheim /GERMANY

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