On 26th February KUDEM and IFIS&IZ have welcomed the minister of integration of the state of Baden Württemberg Bilkay Öney. IFIS&IZ is a regular participant of the “Runder Tisch Islam” (engl. Roundtable Islam) which has been initiated by Minister Öney in 2011.
This visit of Minister Öney has been her first visit to KUDEM and IFIS&IZ. She has been informed about our organization being introduced to current activities and the projects in the fields of science, arts and culture. In an open atmosphere we experienced an interested Minister. The Islamic library (currently consisting of 25,000 books and a target size of 100,000), the practices of the Sufi-music choir, the fine arts of Ebru and Calligraphy has been presented to the Minister. Especially the motivation for the engagement of KUDEM and IFIS&IZ has attracted her interest.
KUDEM promotes the fine arts and represents a Sufi – mystical understanding of Islam. For now 11 years, honorable Prof. Dr. Hüseyin İlker holds lections compiled from The Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh), the Islamic lectures become a treatment for our spiritual diseases in our hearts. The IFIS&IZ aims to further develop the Islamic theology in Europe and to promote young academics in their studies and research. KUDEM and IFIS&IZ are both civil and independent institutions.
We thank Minister Öney for her visit and her interest in our institutions.